Monday, September 5, 2016

WWF's Shotgun Saturday Night Episode 2 (1-11-1997)

Nothing says "new generation" of the WWF like the Honky Tonk Man opening up a show that's suppose to be geared towards the ECW audience.

The All-Star Cafe in New York City is hosting the second episode of Shotgun. I'm hoping by episode four that the show is filmed in a bingo hall or roadhouse bar.

Sable and her afterthought of a husband, Marc Mero, arrive by limo.

Tonight's card is:
1. "Wildman" Marc Mero vs. Diesel
2.Savio Vega vs. Faarooq
3.Rocky Maivia

Vocal chord shredding Vince McMahon quickly mentions that Diesel is already in the micro-ring, the camera cuts to Vince and the hip shaking Sunny.

Sunny's "sex tape" will be shown at some point on the show, her way of one uping Marlena from last week.
Todd Pettengill narrators a clip of The Sisters of Love getting arrested outside the Disney store in NYC.

Marc Mero has a Spinal Tap moment, getting lost on the way to the ring. Vince and Sunny stall by bringing up Sunny's sex tape. She claims that she's the only way with the guts to show something like that nation wide.

Sunny also says that Sable and Mero took a limo here because Sable would get too many $10 offers walking the streets.
19 years later and one is married to millionaire Brock Lesnar and the other is doing skype sessions for $50.

Diesel Pearl Harbors Mero and creeps after Sable, causing her to pull a Three Stooges and smash a piece of cake in his face, which gets a slight E-C-W chant from the crowd.

The Wildman starts to run mild on the second coming of Diesel with corner punches, punches, and maybe a kick or two.
The punch-kick affair continues and Sunny teases a possible relationship with Rocky Maivia, something that was hinted at in episode one.

The chunky Razor Ramon, played by Rick Titan, kicks Mero when he's down, but fear not Wildman fans, Rocky is there to the rescue, taking a slip throwing punches and brawling to the back.

Diesel still in control after the commercial break, utilizing all of Kevin Nash's move.

Diesel hits the diving top rope clothesline, a signature move in his later career as Kane.

Mero finally gets some more offense in, a headscissors- frankensteiner variant, only because they didn't have enough ring room. The Honky Tonk finds his way ringside and starts harassing Sable, all while Mero caps off his comeback with a beautiful moonsault.

He doesn't go for the pin, instead chasing Honky away from his wife. Continuing the trend that if you come to your significant other's aid during a wrestling match, you'll lose, and this match FINALLY end with Diesel picking up the win with a jackknife powerbomb.

The post-match is a mess: Sable tries to console Mero, who leaves the ring, giving Honky the opportunity to harass Sable some more, only for him to be run off by Rocky Maivia, which upsets Sunny as she's been calling him recently, and finally, Mero returns to the ring and trades punches with Maivia.
Savio Vega vs. Faarooq was a nothing match, just filler till Sunny's sex tape.

Sunny romps around in bed with a man in a giant Elmo costume. This thong-clad version is "Fondle Me" Elmo, older brother of "Tickle Me". The lights go off and Sunny tells him to get ready for space mountain.

From one disappointing segment to the next. The Honky Tonk Man and Todd Pettengill sing a duet. 

The main event is more or less the same as the other two matches. Couple of notes:
We want Hall chants at the fake Ramon.
Honky Tonk pops up again ringside.
Sunny voices concern for Maivia throughout the match.

Honky gets a few kicks in on Maivia after Razor dumped him outside, but Rocky wins after reversing a Razor's Edge and hitting an awkward shoulder breaker.

Nikolai Volkoff makes a cameo, living in the card board boxes that Todd Pettengill is checking out.

and the Headbangers vs. Doug Furnas and Phil Lafond was the dark match main event, going past the time slot.

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