Saturday, August 1, 2015

Marvel's Cinematic Universe needs recurring villains

Marvel is riding high right now, thanks to their massively successful, license to print money, runaway juggernaut film and tv division; If Stan Lee isn't swimming in a vault of money like Scrooge McDuck, then he ain't living life right.

With movies and tv shows planned to come out till 2019 and the President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, saying that they have things planned through 2028, this franchise doesn't look to end, which is great for uber nerds like me, but I do think the series has one thing lacking, recurring villains. 

A good rogues gallery can make a superhero that much more interesting, what would Batman be without The Joker? Captain America with no Red Skull? ect. Recurring villains can also get someone invested more into the story.

I'll be going every MCU movie released so far and run down the villains from each film to see which villains could possibly make a return in the MCU.

1.IRON MAN- The main villain from the first Iron Man film was Obadiah Stane, Tony Stark's second-in-command and the man who sold him out to a group of Middle Eastern radicals. Stane died at the end of the film while in the huge Iron Monger armor,so he won't be making a return...Unless it's time to introduce Ezekiel Stane, Obadiah's son.

In the comics, Ezekiel continues his father's war against Stark and converts his body to that of a cyborg and is equipped with an exoskeleton. 

2. The Incredible Hulk- Emil Blonsky takes a viral cocktail of the Hulk's blood and some super-soldier serum to become The Abomination, a monster that rivals The Hulk in strength and size. Blonsky survives the end battle with The Hulk and is never mentioned again. 
I think The Abomination would make a great center piece for a villains team and I would love to see him return.

3.IRON MAN 2- Tony Stark goes up against two bad guys in this sequel. Russian scientist Ivan Vanko teams up with Stark competitor, Justin Hammer, to create the Whiplash armor and a fleet of Iron Man like drones. Vanko explodes himself in the finale and Hammer gets arrested. Hammer is seen to be in prison during the Marvel One-Shot short film, All Hail the King, leaving the door open for him to return.

4. THOR- Loki. Moving on.

5.Captain America- I assume that the founder of Hydra and Captain America's biggest nemesis, The Red Skull, is dead. He tried to hold the Tesseract and ends up being dissolved into light. He's cheated death many times before in the comics, but with actor Hugo Weaving getting out of his multi-picture deal with Marvel a long time, The Red Skull is a long shot to return.

6. The Avengers- Loki. The Chitauri aliens could be featured later as Marvel has expanded into space with Guardians of the Galaxy.

7. IRON MAN 3- The Mandarin was a fake, a front for the film's real villain, Aldrich Killian, another rival of Stark's. Killian runs Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M. for short, a known evil organization in the comics. In the film, Killian uses the Extremis serum to become a unstable human weapon, but ends up getting killed by Pepper Potts.

Interesting note: All Hail the King, the short film that followed IM3, has a member of the Ten Rings terrorist group, break Trevor Slattery, the fake Mandarin, out of prison so he can be brought to the real Mandarin, leader of the Ten Rings.  
 A flag for the Ten Rings can be seen in Iron Man, it's in the terrorist camp.  There's no current plans for an Iron Man 4, but if they ever was one, we could possible,but not probably, see The Mandarin and his Ten Rings group team with Ezekiel Stane and Justin Hammer to finally destroy Tony Stark.

8. THOR 2- Loki is back again and he'll be back for Thor 3: Ragnarok. The Dark Elves were pretty much jobbers, no one wants to see them return.

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9. Captain America 2- HYDRA! Strands of the yin to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s yang are still going strong in the MCU, so expect to see splint groups and ex-members to pop up. The Winter Soldier makes a possible hero turn by the end of the film and Brock Rumlow, Hydra's spy in the house of Fury, will return in CAP3 as Crossbones.

10. Guardians of the Galaxy- The main baddie, Ronan The Accuser and his right hand man, Korath The Pursuer, both bite the big one, but Nebula, Ronan's third, makes an escape before the film's climax and is still at large.

11. Avengers 2- Remember Hydra? They're back and lead by Baron von Strucker, who doesn't last long before being killed by Ultron.
Ultron is just a ridiculous A.I. program, so even though the Avengers destroyed all of his bodies, he could theoretically return in anything electronic. 

12. ANT-MAN- This film has two villains, one minor and one major. The main villain is Darren Cross, crazy scientist who develops the Yellowjacket suit and plans to sell the technology to Hydra. Which is were the film's minor villain, former SHIELD agent, Mitchell Carson, comes into play. Carson is working for Hydra and also with the Ten Rings group to buy the yellowjacket tech. Carson gets away in the end,while Cross shrinks into nothingness in his battle with Ant-Man.

  No matter what happens in the MCU, I'll still continue to enjoy the series and geek out like I'm a little kid at Christmas.

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