I was, and still am, a wrestling fan and if you would of told little N.R. that Baywatch would have Hulk Hogan and The Macho Man on an episode, I would of been glued to the tv, waiting for it to air.
The episode featuring The Hulkster was titled Bash at the Beach, but it's commonly referred to as Bash at the Baywatch or Baywatch at the Beach.
The episode starts with Hulk and The Macho Man riding around on jetskis, Hogan mixes kayfabe and real life with his Terry "Hulk" Hogan billing. This episode also features Ric Flair, Kevin Sullivan, and Vader.
Some blonde catches Hogan's eye and he presumably starts to "Hulk up" on his jetski, his erratic behavior is noticed by a lifeguard not named Pam Anderson or David Hasselhoff.
Hogan goes flying off his jetski and gets crushed by it. This could be an example of art imitating life as a jetski accident was the cause of Hogan's blackeye at Wrestlemania

Hogan survives without a scratch and gets surrounded by bimbos in red bikinis. Wooden acting happens and the Mega Powers walk away to have a quick chatski. I'm skipping all the Baywatch bullshit and just focusing on the wrestling parts.
Hulk joins Pam in his Canadian tuxedo for a spot and then they all go down to the local gym, which saved Hulk from life on the streets, wouldn't you know it, the gym is in danger of being shut down.

The three villains challenge Hulk and Savage to some matches, Flair against Savage and Hogan against Vader, the faces accept,but not before The man from the White Castle of Fear grabs a kid's basketball and crushes it with his hands.
Hogan and Savage take off,which leaves the heels plotting to get Hogan in a cage match with Vader, their reasoning is that Hogan is too agile for Vader in a normal match. Yes, Hulk Hogan is agile.
The Hulkster and the Boobster rescue a boy trapped under a rock. It takes all of Terry Boulder's strength, but he finally manages to get his rock off. Maybe Killer Croc had something to do with this?
Up next is a montage of Hogan and Savage working out with all the kiddies, Hogan's first WCW theme, American Made, blasting in the background.

The matches are just footage from Bash at the Beach 1995 spliced with reaction shots of the Baywatch cast. After Savage beats Flair, the ring crew set up the dreaded Slim Jim cage of doom and it's Vader Time!
Of course, it would be Vader Time, except for the small fact that Vader is wrestling Hulk fucking Hogan. Once again do we get to see the career of one of the best monsters in wrestling get killed and buried.
All you need to know is that Hogan wins, the gym gets saved, and Vader is a piece of shit, a big, fat piece of shit.
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